Sunday, January 25, 2009


Welcome to the first course in the STEP series, Siemens Technical Education Program designed to understand basics of electricity more effectively. .

Upon completion of Basics of Electricity you will be able to:

• Explain the difference between conductors and insulators

• Use Ohm’s Law to calculate current, voltage, and resistance

• Calculate equivalent resistance for series, parallel, or series-parallel circuits

• Calculate voltage drop across a resistor

• Calculate power given other basic values

• Identify factors that determine the strength and polarity of a current-carrying coil’s magnetic field

• Determine peak, instantaneous, and effective values of an AC sine wave

• Identify factors that effect inductive reactance and capacitive reactance in an AC circuit

• Calculate total impedance of an AC circuit

• Explain the difference between real power and apparent power in an AC circuit

• Calculate primary and secondary voltages of single-phase and three-phase transformers

• Calculate kVA of a transformer

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